Special Note for Alabama Dealers:
As you know, Dealer and State Business Licenses expired at the end of last month and we're obligated by law to have copies of BOTH for every dealership that buys at our sale. Please submit BOTH your license renewals as soon as you get them. Here's how:
Email: kmills6777@gmail.com (preferred)
FAX: (205) 271-6736
Text LEGIBLE pictures: (205) 966-6777
Bring copies when you come (Please understand that this may cause a delay)
Driver's Way is currently undergoing some major construction projects so we need your cooperation to have a smooth auction on Friday and through the coming months. Here are some things you need to know:
A lot of thought has gone into how best to continue offering you these fresh trades. We fully understand the impact the pandemic has had on the car business and we will make every effort to keep providing you the option to buy at Driver's Way Auction.